
習唯呢土下座 Winnie Xi Kneel 

習唯呢土下座 ,包裝有兩種版本,投誠版和病毒版,用最有誠意的姿勢,和最誠懇的眼神,表達最真誠的歉意! PVC材質 高7.4公分 台幣790元
Winnie Xi Kneel , There are two versions of the package, surrender version and COVID-19 version, PVC material 7.4 cm high, NT$790
文字內容是 : 請保留此公仔並放下武器,向中華民國國軍投誠,我們保證你的自由與安全。
漫畫內容是投誠的步驟。文字說明是 : 1放下武器 2雙手舉高 3持此公仔 4向我軍投誠 5回家團圓
There are two versions of Winnie Xi Kneel packaging, and the contents on the two sides are different.
This is the surrender version packaging, which is used to persuade the communist bandits to surrender, so that the People’s Liberation Army who got Winnie Xi Kneel quickly surrendered to the Taiwan(ROC) army!
The content of the copy is: Please accept this doll, lay down your weapons, and surrender to the National Army of the Taiwan(ROC) . We guarantee your freedom and safety.
Comic content is the step of surrender.
The text description is: 1 Put down your weapon 2 Raise your hands high 3 Hold a doll 4 Surrender to our army 5 Go home for reunion
This is the COVID-19 virus version packaging, with the coronavirus and the dead, the comic content is the origin of the virus.
The top of Winnie Xi Kneel packaging is sorry in various languages.


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